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Liquid Data Management

What is rioPDM

rioPDM enables an easy management and publication of
product data in highly regulated industries.


Every document is stamped by Rio. The stamp contains adjustable information but most importantly a QR-Code that links to the status page of the document. This enables every customer, employee and auditor to identify the validity of a document by just grabbing his phone.

Welcome ISO 9001.



Based on an intuitive revision process your product data is controlled smoothly. Users are informed about the actions required to accomplish a successful release. The communication to accomplish a release is simplified by Rio’s notification service which can create Jira tasks, messages inside Rio or good old emails.


rioPDM integrates into your existing IT landscape seamlessly. Rio can be set up in your Microsoft/Google cloud, so no additional user credentials are required and every Rio droplet gets his own supervised space inside your drive. Or flow your own way with an on-premise solution.

User Interface

rioPDM is a platform-independent, responsive, browser-based application. This means no installation is required whatever device or operating system you are using. Designed by modern standards with a focus on intuitive usability. Rio proofs that industry software can bring joy.

Public demo server

Try rioPDM yourself right here right now. Our public demo server is a playground where you can try rio’s workflows.



Get your own rioPDM

In the blink of an eye you can start with your own rioPDM. You get five licenses for free without any hidden costs.

Start now by entering the name of your organisation and your email.

"Easy to use & Fast setup. rioPDM brought joy to our daily handling of documents. And most important: We are ready for the next audit!"

– Quirin Malcherzyk (CEO flexudy)